Shock Wave Therapy

Shock Wave Therapy can dramatically reduce the pain associated with many musculoskeletal conditions, and forms of pain associated with soft tissue injuries, arthritis, inflammation and sports injuries.

Healing Aches & Pains with Therapeutic Laser Therapy

Traumas experienced through work injuries, sports and the normal wear and tear of life lead to neuromuscular skeletal conditions. Many of us find that we adapt to and accept pain and inflammation as a part of life.

Posture Wedge Treatment Device

Come into the clinic and try out this incredible device which is inexpensive, comfortable and very effective for relieving your neck, upper back pain and headaches.

What does a Hypervolt do?

The Hypervolt is a cordless state-of-the-art vibration massage device that helps relax sore and stiff muscles to improve mobility.

Let’s Get Back on Track

October 16th is World Spine Day. This year’s theme is Back on Track, something we all need to do right now.

Got Neck Pain?

Most people are frightened to see a chiropractor when they have neck pain. They worry about the treatment approach if there is any twisting or cracking.


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